Tuesday, March 16, 2010

75/365 - An Old Friend

The snow is melted. There is still not much growing besides the daffodils, but it was warm in the sun today and I got outside to start a little spring cleanup. I was excited to haul the wheelbarrow out of the potting area. I am very attached to this particular wheelbarrow.

When my husband and I bought our first house in Wyoming, we bought the wheelbarrow, too. I was so proud - I had a house with purple window boxes and a red wheelbarrow. Surely that made me a grownup.

The wheelbarrow came with us when we moved back to Connecticut and it is one of my prize possessions, an old friend for 12 years.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Martha, I am loving your blog and your daily pics - you are giving us a great insight to your world. Thanks for sharing.

