Julia's best friend came over this morning to play. They came up and asked me if they could make medicine for Lipstick, Julia's doll. This involved mixing up a bead-and-glitter-glue soup in a bowl. My instinct screamed no. But just as I was opening my mouth to form the word, I flashed back to two little girls, circa late 1970s. These two little girls were playing scientist in the bathroom - mixing together shampoo, lotion, cold cream, vaseline. Whatever could be found in the bathroom cabinet and the hall closet. And as if that weren't enough, cups of these experiments were then placed in the freezer for an indeterminate period of time (no, they never froze). At the time, neither little girl thought once, much less twice, about the mess. Or the waste.
But my mother was happy to encourage their imaginations. And so I let Julia and her friend have as much fun as I had with my best friend, Katie, 30-plus years ago.
Martha, I love catching up with your project and reading the stories of your life through your words and pictures. All of them are wonderful and you are doing an amazing job with your 365. Jill