I had an interesting (to me at least) philosophical discussion with myself today. It all started with my quest for glycerin to make better soap bubble planets. I finally found a bottle of the elusive stuff. Once I got home, I was looking at photos that utilized glycerin. And it suddenly hit me - a good deal, if not most, of the really amazing drop pictures I've seen may have been staged. People actually take glycerin and put it on flowers and leaves, etc., in lieu of water drops. It holds up much better, see. And being a little thicker, is easier to photograph. And if there's been no rain lately but you want to take drop shots, presto.
This bothered me. Immensely. Because I go out every single time it is wet out in search of water drops. And most of what I shoot I trash because I think it is crap. And here I could just fake it. But it would not hold the same satisfaction for me.
And although I had bought the glycerin to mix into my soap solution to make the bubbles more colorful, I had thought about trying some drop shots with it. But after having realized how often it's probably done, I wanted nothing to do with it. And in protest I went out and got the shot. The real shot.
Well this shot is amazing, and I love the sparkle of light and the gorgeous green. I'm with you - I am a purist when it comes to photography. Just loving your 365. Jill