Monday, June 21, 2010

171/365 - Epic Fail

Well, I don't have a picture to post from Sunday. I do have one from Saturday night, which technically is 170, but I didn't bother since I don't have 171. I took not a single picture yesterday. I should have taken my camera to my in-laws for Father's Day, but it just didn't occur to me. And then I went straight to work and didn't have my camera with me. By the time I left work and picked up a few groceries, I didn't even realize until I was getting into bed that I hadn't taken a picture.

I considered fudging it - no one would know. Because I had a couple images from Saturday. I could have used on for 170 and one for 171. And at least kept the project going. And who knows, maybe that's how people get through it. It's not that big of a deal, I suppose. But I can't. I could resume today and call it a "365 -1" project. But that wouldn't negate the truth, which is simply that I failed.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Martha - you have done an amazing project with stunning photos and wonderful stories of your life. What do do now? - continue? or is to finish a relief from the burden? Either way I have thoroughly enjoyed your project and I would have continued to follow with or without 170 and 171. Take care Martha. And thankyou for sharing your world with us.

